It’s the Monday before Easter, Super Bowl week for the local church. This weekend you will likely see more new faces at church than you’ve seen all year. You and the other leaders at your church are focused on creating the best experience possible for your guests, and praying that at least some will consider coming back. Underneath all the preparation and prayer is a deep desire for people to come face-to-face with the risen Jesus.
We put a lot of pressure on ourselves every Easter. Everything has to be perfect, the music has to be amazing and the sermon has to present the Gospel effectively. It can feel like everything is riding on what happens this weekend.
The reality, however, is everything doesn’t ride on what happens at your church on Easter. Some churches will see huge crowds, some will not. Some churches will have amazing experiences, others will have camels kicking guests in the face (a true story for another day). Some pastors will Instagram pictures of 100s being baptized and others will delete their social media accounts. Regardless of what happens at your church on Easter, here is what I know:
- The reality of your call will not be determined by the size of your crowd.
- The truth of the Gospel will shine regardless how tarnished your presentation.
- Your Father sees your heart and is proud.
I will be praying for you this weekend that, in spite of the challenges you may face you, will hear the voice of God saying, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!”
But try not to let any camels kick the guests. That’s not good.